Édition canadienne du Magazine International Diplomat/Diva. Nous avons migré la plateforme dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu, qui développe la notion nouvelle de démocratisation du journalisme. Les archives sont revitalisés progressivement.




Entre (). Ivanka Trump vient confirmer Trumping the World avant notre article sur le sujet. Un sujet qui a vu naître la désillusion de journalistes taciturnes qui n’ont compris le « deal » de Donald Trump. Une guerre médiatique inutile contre la signature Trump. Fermons les ().

La République de Turquie pays opportuniste en plan de l’Eurasie, la forme longue en türkiye arrive au fait de l’implosion… à venir en International.

Géocartographie de nos éditions partenaires indépendantes

International Diplomat / Europe-Asie ; ; ;

Diva International Magazine

  • P/a United Nations HQ, Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-12,
    1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Tel: +41 22 917 43 01


Most diplomats in Geneva are familiar with Diva (now the International Diplomat) and, despite a name that might be confusing, it is indeed a magazine for people working for international organizations. Our primary purpose is to provide a forum allowing them to talk about their missions, their work and their projects, but we also offers a range of articles dealing with travel, cultural, historical figures, gastronomy, etc…

Since its creation in 2002 Diva has been distributed and read throughout the world, and not only in New York and Geneva, in United Nations headquarters but also on all continents, and its visibility is even stronger since the creation of its website ( ; and now It should be noted that if the majority of articles and interviews are in English, many are also French and some are in Spanish.

The International Diplomat – Diva is apolitical and neutral and calls without distinction to all those involved in the life of the Cite, that of their country diplomats, bankers, UN officials, presidents, foreign ministers, heads of NGOs, businessmen, writers, artists – it is open to anyone who wish to express their views and opinions.

Published on glossy paper with many color photos, Diva became through its eclecticism a popular magazine for all and has become a reference in the world of international Geneva.

It consists of a small but enthusiastic team since its inception, and whose goal is to communicate, inform, and share their passions in a spirit of tolerance and openness.

We are: Jean-Michel Wissmer, Ita Marguet , Judit Varadi, John Fox, Jean-Martin Tchaptchet, Marit Fosse, Dan Albertini and Pierre-Michel Virot, independent photographer.

Pierre-Michel Virot, photography

Pierre-Michel Virot, photography Pierre-Michel Virot is a familiar face in the international community. For decades, he covered public health issues at WHO and UNAIDS, he also covered international conferences and travelled the world and made us travel with him through his beautiful photos whether to show case humanitarian, health…

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Mosaïque Abu Dhabi et OMC

Mosaïque Montréal Y a-t-il alors un avenir assuré avec de folles dépenses du luxe pour satisfaire une copie, non pas le génie. Telle est l’interrogation à l’ombre d’un désert repeuplé par des édifices surélevés qui doivent ignorer l’habitacle à un certain niveau, d’autant plus que l’expérience humaine ne tient…

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