Édition canadienne du Magazine International Diplomat/Diva. Nous avons migré la plateforme dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu, qui développe la notion nouvelle de démocratisation du journalisme. Les archives sont revitalisés progressivement.
Cabo Verde on the way to becoming an air, maritime and digital hub by Annegret Mathari

Cabo Verde on the way to becoming an air, maritime and digital hub Geneva (July 15) Cabo Verde is transforming adversities into solutions, developing its role as a hub for air and maritime transport as well as for a digital economy. Annegret Mathari, Geneva The sun and wind, which long symbolized drought, today represent sources of renewable energy for Cabo Verde. The sea, which once symbolized emigration, today represents tourism, desalinated water, seafood exports, aquaculture and canning industry products….

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