Édition canadienne du Magazine International Diplomat/Diva. Nous avons migré la plateforme dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu, qui développe la notion nouvelle de démocratisation du journalisme. Les archives sont revitalisés progressivement.
The place where the clocks never strike 12, By Evelina Rioukhina

The place where the clocks never strike 12 By Evelina Rioukhina There is a place on the planet where the clock never strikes 12. You might think it is somewhere near the South or North Poles, or on a faraway island lost in time, but you would be wrong. Surprisingly, the only place on the planet where the clock never strikes 12 is in Switzerland, a country famous for its precise time-keeping. Indeed, Switzerland is famous for having the…

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