Édition canadienne du Magazine International Diplomat/Diva. Nous avons migré la plateforme dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu, qui développe la notion nouvelle de démocratisation du journalisme. Les archives sont revitalisés progressivement.
Haitian Foreign Minister calls for development reboot to close ‘striking gap’ between promises…

Haitian Foreign Minister calls for development reboot to close ‘striking gap’ between promises and action on ending poverty he future of humanity hinges on full implementation of the 2030 Agenda, if we don’t get there, “we may never see the world that ‘we the peoples of the United Nations’ have long been calling for,” Bocchit Edmond, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Haiti, told the General Assembly, the Organization’s top deliberative body. “It is absolutely essential to reboot out collective responsibility……

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