Édition canadienne du Magazine International Diplomat/Diva. Nous avons migré la plateforme dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu, qui développe la notion nouvelle de démocratisation du journalisme. Les archives sont revitalisés progressivement.

COLLABORATORS. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE. THE SITUATION IN UKRAINE In the past, although the concept of “collaborationism” was not a legally enshrined phenomenon, it has been the subject of numerous scientific studies by many scholars around the world. The concept described the political and legal reality of occupied France during the Second World War. At that time, France was the birthplace of collaborationism as a concept that meant cooperation with the enemy or the occupying power. The population of…

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Impact of current economic sanctions on products and services at Sedo par Editor

ÉDITORIAL Impact of current economic sanctions on products and services at Sedo Hell G-M The current geopolitical situation in Ukraine has a direct and indirect impact on business relations with Russian and Belarusian business partners. Due to the current situation, we have to inform you that Sedo has suspended trading and parking for domains under .ru and .by. In addition, we are currently unable to serve customers residing in Russia or Belarus, as well as corresponding bank accounts. The…

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